Terra 1912 / Minecraft

Welcome to Terra 1912

Through our shared passion for history, we have been revisiting the cities, nations, and societies of the past in a creative way. Our world is a place where the architecture of the past, built and unbuilt, can come to life.

Our Story.

From the very start I knew I wanted a Minecraft server that could play host to recreating buildings lost to time. Starting out in late 2019, I set about realising this dream with the town-building project of Walhampton. From here the lands of Terra Imperitorias, now known as the Terra 1912 server, has spawned and those who have joined all share the same idea... to build the unbuilt.

We take pride here on the server, trying our best to see how the built world once was and recreate it in our own fashion. From taking old photographs, to paintings and maps of structures come and gone, and drawings and sketches of things that never were. We try to bring it to ‘life’. What we have done well here is create a sense of community and identiy. Each builder has their own town, or even their own country, and they can choose the direction it goes in. We aren't bound by strict rules on recreating the real world as it is or as it was, but creating an idea of how it could have been or just making it up on the spot. At the end of the day, we all enjoy a creative challenge and this project has opened that up to all those involved...

  • Kieran White (WBC Builds)


A new look at historic cities.

Through the lens of Minecraft, we are able to create fictional —but historically accurate— cities. Our process involves old paintings, records, maps, and lots of planning.

Our Map.

Explore Terras Imperatoria in its full scale. On this map, you will find cities and countries built, in progress, or planned for the future.

The map shows the scale and complexity of our project, but it also illustrates one of the biggest reasons we do what we do: to share the stories of different places around the world.