Regna cadunt luxu surgunt virtutibus urbes!”
”Fall, you kingdoms of luxury, for the cities of virtue shall thrive!
— Motto of the City of Linford

Situated along the banks of the River Avon, Linford-upon-Avon is the County Capital of the Royal County of Linfordshire with Whiteburg City to the South-East, Coalbrook to the North and Kingsworthy to the North-East. Linford quickly rose as a notable market town; The majority of it’s trade came down the Avon from Europa and the United Territories of the Commonwealth. Originally settled as a Roman fortress town centuries ago due to it’s prominent location at a split in the Avon. The town quickly grew in size due to the location and wealth of the settlement at one point being one of the wealthiest cities in Whiteburg until the settling of Whiteburg City. the local soil fertility made it a fantastic location for the growing of hops and barley; as a result of this Linford grew rapidly to become the centre of the international alcohol market and many of the townsfolk make a living off of this vital trade; Although a large proportion of Alcohol is exported to the other international markets; almost half of that produced never leaves the city boundaries and is lapped up by the numerous pubs and taverns littered throughout Linford’s streets


Whiteburg City


San Alexandro