Isola Bella

An idyllic island featuring extremely beautiful gardens, an elegant baroque palace, and a small fishing village.

Created by Solar_Centurion

With his rendition of Isola Bella, Solar pioneered a new map importing techinque that enabled him to perfectly preserve the relative angles and dimensions of the northern Italian island. Using this map as a guide, the palace, terraced gardens, and fishing village are in the process of being assembled. Occupying approximately half of the island's area, the gardens showcase the full repetiore of

horticultural techniques possible in Minecraft, with every tree, topiary, and man-made feature being reporduced as exactly as possible. The only regard where this recreation strays from the real design is with the large boat landing in front of the palace facade, which featured in the original 17th-century plans for the island but was never realized.

The Baroque garden, perfected.

A painstakingly accurate replica of Isola Bella on Lago Maggiore, Italy.

Isola Bella is a completed project. You can find more of Solar’s work on our socials.




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