
United Territories of the Commonwealth

Appomattox is the geographic capital of the United Territories of the Commonwealth and the center of all commerce and political operations to do with the territories. It sits directly on the banks of the Great Lake and is home to both industry and business. It is a rapidly growing city with a booming population and economy. Both of these characteristics contributed to the selection of Appomattox as the location for the 1912 World’s Exposition, appropriately titled, The World’s Exposition of the Commonwealth, and often referred to as ‘The White City Expo.’

Created by Finky, Solar, and Co.

A history of the capital.

Appomattox started as a trading settlement for eastward explorers towards the end of the 18th century. It grew steadily but was always recognized for its strategic position in the colonies for trade and defense purposes. By the mid 1800s, the city had become a central player in the conversation to separate from the Whiteburgian empire, however in 1867, neither side wanting a violent conflict, the two parties signed a confederation and the “United Colonies of Whiteburg” became “The United Territories of the Commonwealth.” The Commonwealth being the agreement of shared trade and commerce between the two countries, while the land the territories occupy is owned and free to be operated on by Whiteburg with respect to the Territories.

Other than that stipulation, the territories were able to have a functional government, semi-autonomous from that of Whiteburg’s, and thus required a capital. Naturally Appomattox was chosen both for its strategic interior location and important history to the Territories’ formation. And so, construction immediately began on the new capital. Designs were drawn up by world renowned landscape architects and city planners, and space was cleared for this new mall to be constructed. It was a magnificent time to be alive. This boom in industry, business, and government, perhaps culminated when the city was chosen to be host of the World’s Exposition. The crowning jewel of the already glistening classical masterpiece.

Where justice, law, and peace assemble.

Appomattox is a calculated hodgepodge of several differnt American cities. Heavy influence is taken from Washington DC, specifically the McMillan plan of the mall, Chicago's Burnham plan, and a very accurate recreation of the World's Colombian Exposition which was held in Chicago in 1893. Outdated, yes, but we are building it as if it was built to be permanent, rather than temporary.

Appomattox is a work in progress. You can find more of the team’s work on our Discord.



